Remember the Ever Given (from Evergreen)
last year getting stuck in the Suez Canal? Well, look at
this funny fact:
The Ever Given stuck in the Suez
Canal. Just before doing that, it drew a giant dick
pic in the ocean (Vice World News).
Another curious fact is that the planet is cooling down
rapidly. An example is Antarctica that smashes its cold
South Pole Sees Record Cold Winter,
Smashing 1976 Record …WaPo Admits “Chill Was
Can we label this an unconvenient truth for the global
How much are we going to spend on fighting climate
change anyway? Well, a staggering 150 trillion dollars.
That is $150,000,000,000,000.
That is about 700 dollars every year, every person of
this planet. This is a complete communist (centralized
planned economy) takeover. The result will be the same.
If 700 dollars will be used in useless projects, it will
not be used on maintaining and growing capital (capital
is all that can create wealth). We can thus expect
poverty and misery in the coming 50 years. Probably some
2 billion people will die because of it. Let's not call
them dead. Let's call them politically-correct
'existentially challenged', to not annoy the regime.
This is the biggest swindle of mankind. Ever. As can be
seen, the climate is already on a cooling trend. So we
are fighting an non-existing enemy, Climate Change. With
windmills part of teh solution, the character of Don
Quixote rapidly springs to mind here.
The vaccine does not work.
Either this, or the tests are nonsense. Or both. One
more example is the huge CoFlu19 outbreak in
Singapore, one of the highest-degree vaccinated
countries in teh world.
Data from ourworldindata (from
Johns Hopkins).
Also in
Portugal, where 100% of the elderly are
vaccinated, huge outbreaks occur in elderly homes.
These outbreaks are not smaller than last year. In
some cases, like in Arouca, 50% of the people were
infected. From that we must concluded that the
test or teh vaccine is nonsense.
Everything now points at the lab leak theory. The
virus came from Wuhan's laboratory. That because
intermediate viruses were not observed. The
'missing link' is missing:
Science Closes In on Covid’s
Origins (WSJ)
However, we have to be careful with this. Do some
reverse thinking. If I wanted to release a killer
virus onto the world, they did not seem to have
done a great job. The virus is statistically
indistinguishable from other flu viruses. Its
spreading and mortality are like a regular flu.
That makes a controlled release of teh virus
improbable. It would have been an accidental
release of a rather harmless virus, of course.
The vaccines are so bad, and the obligation to
take them so immoral, that Holocaust survivors --
of all people -- came to protest them:
"We, the survivors of the atrocities committed
against humanity during the Second World
War, feel bound to follow our conscience. …
Another holocaust of greater magnitude is taking
place before our eyes."
To get an idea of how many people
in Europe died of the vaccine:
We have to bear in min that vaccine deaths are
traditionally under-reported by the doctors. An
estimation is that only about 6% of the deaths
enter into the registration system. We can expect
this percentage for CoFlu19 to be much lower,
considering the bullying taking place to not
increase "vaccine uptake hesitancy". In any case,
in the EU until 1 October 25,969 vaccine deaths
were reported. The lower estimation of teh real
deaths is then about 400 thousand vaccine deaths!
And these people were not in the elderly (CoFlu19
deaths are primarily among elderly, with the same
age distribution as the rest of teh deaths). No,
many of teh vaccine deaths were young people, with
still a full life ahead of them. Well, not any
more. They have given their lives for the system.
For more information, read this (in Dutch):
"Record aantal overlijdens en
ernstige schade door COVID-vaccinaties" (Dutch;
De Andere Krant)
How can this vaccine still be promoted in the
world? In an interview with Stefan Molyneux Dr.
Shiva Ayyadural (MIT) explains it:
In a normal situation of a drug development.
Pharmaceutical companies test all kinds of
chemicals on problem cells (such as cancer). If a
chemical seems to have an effect, a patent is
filed. The clock then starts ticking. In 20 years
the patent expires. All the testing takes billions
of dollars and takes about 13 years until the
medicine is finally approved for marketing; only a
few make it to the market. The number of patients
is rather small, so the final market is small and
profit tiny.
What is the solution of scruples investors like
Bill Gates?
Abolish the 13 year testing phase; claim an
international emergency. (Here being the
largest individual sponsor of the WHO, the
institute that declares health emergencies,
comes in handy).
Increase the number of patients.(Everybody
in the world!)
Sell the same medicine repeatedly.
Periodic vaccination.
Ayyadurai and Stefan Molyneux HD" (tu127)
To show you how fake the entire pandemic is. Here
somebody that has the profession of dealing with
dead people. He said "The bodies only started
coming in massively, when the vaccination started!
It all makes sense now. A fake pandemic,
re-branding the flu (of which corona is a member)
as something horrible to sell billions of vaccines
in a guaranteed periodic way for huge guaranteed
profit. Meanwhile the governments gain complete
fascistic power over the people with it. It is a
win-win situation.
Only the people lose. Giving their own lives for
the system.
Science & Technology
A Scientific publishing (peer reviewed)
has become a monster. To give you an example, in many
renowned journals, computer generated texts were
accepted for publication:
"436 Randomly Generated ‘Peer
Reviewed’ Papers Published by Springer Nature" (The
Daily Sceptic)
So, scientific publications are fake. And this is
only the tip of the iceberg, since most of the other
publications are simply propaganda from the regime.
Of course, our own publication escapes this norm. Our
work proved that during the 'pandemic' the economy
crashed, with a significant reduction in carbon
emissions, however, the atmosphere went on business as
usual. See here our video describing it:
"Effects of the Covid-19 Measures on
the Economy and the Environment (Atmosphere)"
Or go directly to our publication: "Effects of the Covid-19
Measures on the Economy and the Environment", Peter
Stallinga, Igor Khmelinskii, Economy Law and Politics 4
Sport & Arts
Nothing interesting this week
(Political) cartoon:
Monopoly was invented to explain
capitalism to children. How nice that they also
explained the financial money system correctly: