Or read the discussion on Glenn
Swart's blog Do We Already Have The Solutions
Whats up with Sagittarius A?
It seems to be the end of black-hole theory. Let me
remind you again about the Scientific Method: it
does not matter how many facts can be explained by
your theory. There is no such thing as corroborative
facts. If a single fact can debunk your theory, your
theory is gone down the drain.
However, acolytes of teh prophet do not give up so
easily and have come up with an ad hoc explanation.
The black hole is not a black hole at all, but ...
wait for it ... tada ... "a fluffy ball of
This reminds us very much of teh Global Warming
scientific nonsense. Once it was debunked, acolytes
of this religion (lead by prophet Al Gore) switched
gears and started calling it 'Climate Change', in
order to be able to maintain their beliefs
regardless of whatever fact would come in. Well, the
Scientific Method says that if your theory cannot be
debunked by facts, it is not science, but religion.
That is how Western (pseudo)science works. And in
all academic environments one is obliged to follow
the church. Never say that the ideas of teh church
are wrong, if not wanting to run the risk of being
excommunicated, which is called 'cancel culture' in
modern society.
When Europe was living in the Dark Ages, the Arabic
world kept the flame of science alive. Once again
Europe (and its allies, United States, and most of
the rest of teh world) is living dark ages, where
science is forbidden. This time it seems that the
Asians come to the rescue.
Chinese researcher embroiled in
controversy after claiming his study reverses
Einstein's theory of relativity (Global Times)
Things seem to be finally on the move in science.
EN will keep you
In the meantime, Western (pseudo)science comes up
with fancy theories that "aliens might start a war
with humans, because we are messing up the climate
of the planet". It is too ridiculous for words
(Science using Ockam's Razor: aliens do not exists
because there is no phenomenon in the world that
needs aliens to describe it). Yet, here is teh AD
science division reporting on the remarkable
scientific publication:
NASA: Broeikaseffect kan tot
oorlog met aliens leiden / NASA: Greenhouse
effect can lead to war with aliens. (AD)
Well, these aliens never interfered when we
nuclear-bombed the planet, or when we had genocidal
psychopathic regimes plaguing the planet, but now, a
little bit of CO2 and, there you go, out they come
from hiding. It is too farcical for words! Your
taxpayer money goes to an institute that wastes it
on far-fetched religious ideas, in an cunning
attempt to brainwash you into thinking "EVEN THE