important event last week was an explosion in Beirut.
Well, it seems like an accident. (Which idiot decided to
store tons of explosive material in a simple warehouse?)
Still, there are, of course, a lot of 'conspiracy
theories' going on. And then, of course the finger is
easily pointed at Israel and its Mossad. After all, this
is how they work and what they are famous for, so the link
seems obvious enough. However, at this moment there is no
evidence that it was anything else than an accident. No
missiles, no nuclear weapons, and no other signs of foul
play. But we keep our minds open. The colors of the clouds
may be a hint at what was going on, and we keep our eyes
open for any information that may be going around in
society. We'll keep you updated.
Where other media are afraid to bring you
news and news facts, EN
brings you what they don't dare. In a recent video of
Tony Heller (one of the few people that dare to expose
the climate swindle with facts) an e-mail was
mentioned that can be found on Wikileaks --
you know, the news source whose editor (Julian
Assange) is still in prison. The e-mail is to Podesta,
the 2016 campaign leader of Hillary Clinton. Podesta
is informed how the campaign of keeping the
populace stupid and obedient is going well, but
there is still a risk that Trump may win, because he
is smartly playing the media.
Also watch
the video of Tony Heller (we recommend any video of
Tony Heller to be well informed) in which also
funnily, Clinton comes out as a conspiracy thinker (in
her own words)
"Don't Be A Conspiracy Theorist!"
From another oped news source, Helen of Destroy, we
get a nice explanation from Harry Vox for the protest
movement going on in the United States. "It is right
out of the playbook of a color revolution". Yes, what
is going on is a power grab, of the style of color
revolutions all over the planet. Destabilize a country
to remove the democratically elected representatives,
in this case Donald Trump. See here how the
destabilization is fitting into the big puzzle (or you
thought it was just a coincidence?):
That it is never about democracy and liberties we can
see in the fact that in Syria a couple of people said
some angry words towards President Assad and then teh
West basically drone bombed it to smithereens. While
in neighboring Israel an angry mob is on the lose,
asking for the head of dictator Netanyahu, and the
West, to not be able to accused of inconsistency, of
course, ... does nothing. Not even a small nuke ...
Actually, believe it or not, but the Democrats are
really planning to ignore the results of the upcoming
Presidential Elections, if Trump wins. This is how
explosive the situation in the United States is. And,
of course, all media will blame it on Trump and on how
good it is that the democratically elected government
is removed. Watch the video of The Duran:
Will Democrats accept election loss? New report says
Some minor news. Trump tries to block Chinese spy-ware
TikTok. Well, in the news he is sabled down (classical
Trump bashing). But, what are exactly the reasons
Trump tries to do that? Watch this video: "THIS Is Why President
Trump Is Banning TikTok"
Tiktok is directly spying for the Chinese government.
Of course, the American government is also spying on
us (everybody is always spying on everybody). The
thing is, that is our government. Very bad,
but not half as bad as being spied on by a foreign
You know CoFlu19 is all total and
utter crap, when we are supposed to applaud for all
health workers, in a nice agitprop style propaganda
and then,
the regime actually pays bonuses to ... the managers
(that is, party members). It is what we call a
chutzpah. Those that take the risk (whether imagined
or not) see no compensation. Those that just do
politics and management, self-enrich. Classic
communism. But is what happened in The Netherlands
(and I suspect in many other places as well). "Zorgmanagers krijgen
bonus, personeel krijgt niks: 'Slecht voor
verhoudingen op de werkvloer'" (care managers get
bonus, personnel gets nothing 'bad for ambience at the
Or this "Zaans zorgpersoneel boos over
bonusregeling voor managers" (Zaan health workers
angry about bonus system for managers)
But the protests keep piling up, also of health
experts. There are now so many whistle-blowers that we
can no longer ignore them all. Examples: Timothy Rivers "Respected
Yale Professor reveals something media doesn't want
you to know" (about the benefits of hydrochloroquine).
"Association of American Physicians & Surgeons
(AAPS) Sues the FDA to End Its Arbitrary Restrictions
on Hydroxychloroquine" "Médicos
da Espanha denunciam possível fraude mundial e
questionam “pandemia”" (Doctors of Spain denounce
possible fraude and question 'pandemic') "Reguengos de Monsaraz. Relatora
do inquérito diz que maioria morreu de desidratação"
(Regeungos de Mosaraz. Survey rapporteur says most
died of dehydration)
It is also becoming apparent that if you close down
health institutes you get more deaths. It seems very
obvious, but some people see benefits in lockdowns,
believe it or not "Foi o Julho com mais
mortes em 12 anos. Covid-19 só explica 1,5% dos
óbitos" (It was the July with most deaths in twelve
years. Covid19 only explains 1.5% of them).
And coming back to conspiracy thinking. Here is the
Dutch Minister that explains in very plain words that
wearing mask is not for your health, but to induce
change of behavior. And this is exactly the point.
Psychopaths, or megalomaniacs, think that they have
the right to change other people's behavior. because
they are all-wise and they know what is good for you.
And you are stupid and you do not even know it
(because you are stupid). (They, of course, do not
apply it to themselves, that they might be stupid and
not know it). Well, anyway, here is Dutch Minister Van
Ark, explaining how and why to indoctrinate people:
And to show you how it is all part of a
fascisto-communist takeover, here is a nice video: "Indiana Makes Not Wearing Mask a
Class B Misdemeanor, Punishable by 6 Months in Jail"
(jail time for disobeying the regime!)
"Spaanse politie jaagt op koppel om ontduiken
coronatest" (Spanish police hunts down couple that
avoided covid test). Now not being covid-tested is the
same as bombing a Spanish train station by ETA. Nice,
Spain. Fascist times all over again.
With an absolutely flawless race, Max
Verstappen left two Mercedeses eating his dust in the
Sunday Grand Prix on Silverstone. Magnificent race. By
choosing hard tires for the qualifying on Saturday he
could start with these on Sunday, which gave the small
edge over the technically better Mercedeses. Thus we can
call this result really brilliant.
(click on image to visit page
And to link sports to politics: sportsman should just do
sports and for the rest, just enjoy the moment. The worst
is a sportsman, like Lewis Hamilton, privileged all his
life to do what all men would like to do, driving around
in a super fast car -- and he drives the fastest car of
them all -- and then kneel down for Black Lives Matter. An
enormous hypocrite pr***. And that brings us to the rant
of the week: Travis Ludlow and his rant on Lewis Hamilton: