"Pole of Cold district that
recently recorded desert-like heat of +38C now sees snow"
teh meantime Ghislaine Maxwell is still alive. Will she
spill her beans? Will she be 'suicided'? No news to report
at the moment, but EN
will keep you informed. In the meantime, you can watch the
video of 60 Minutes Autsralia:

"Inside the
wicked saga of Jeffrey Epstein: the arrest of Ghislaine
to give you an idea what was going on here, how sick this
story all can be and how all can be connected, this is the
artwork that was on teh wall of Epstein's home. Bill
Clinton in a dress (of Monica Lewinski) and George W. Bush
playing with paper airplanes behind two collapsed towers.
Think of it what you want. It is rather too sick for my
taste. But, then again, I am just an irrelevant journal
editor and not a party organizer entertaining the nouveau
riche and powerful of teh planet:
On teh other side of the planet, even sicker 'art' was
placed. Imagine finding the statue of teh devil (Moloch)
at the heart of teh Catholic World, in teh Vatican

"Statue of ancient god
of child sacrifice put on display in Rome"
to me a very strange place to put teh statue. Either you
believe in all that Christianity stands for or you don't.
Putting the image of the enemy of what you stand for at
the symbolic center of what you stand for is very strange,
to say the least. Some people are very sick.